Why We Exist

Why We Exist?

The Challenge & Our Approach

“Research and practice have led to consensus on the different dimensions of readiness all students need for college and future careers. These include academic mastery across a range of subjects, technical training either in a specific field or in cross-cutting skills such as computer literacy, and 21st-century skills such as creativity, critical thinking, problem solving, empathy and collaboration.”

Source: McKinsey Consultants on Education

Hosted 35 youth-inspiring speakers through SGAP Leaders SPEAK. Topics include: Networking 101, Expanding your Horizons, The Power of Your Vote, Diversity & Inclusion, Navigating College Life, My Journey in Service…
1,044 middle and high school students actively participated in our youth-led projects: Encouragement, Gifts for Seniors, Care Cards for Healthcare workers, Brian’s Story, Spring Clean-Up, 911, MLK Day of Service...
100% of our Leadership Series alumni attend college or have launched their careers with the Department of Defense and organizations such as Microsoft.
By listening to our students, meeting them where they are, and improving our programs, we have impacted 4206 students since 2016. Inspire. Engage. Empower & Repeat.

“Students of color (BIPOC) do not have the opportunity to develop the critical academic, technical, or cross-cutting skills that allow them to participate in this evolving workforce."

The Opportunity & Our Solution

The Aspen Institute’s recent K-12 Climate Action Plan recommends developing new CTE (career & technical education) opportunities that prepare students for jobs in the clean energy economy and creating curricula that supports knowledge of environmental sustainability across all career pathways.

Source: K12-ClimateActionPlan-Complete-Screen.pdf

SGAP Leaders’ programming provides opportunities for motivated underserved students to develop leadership and  critical 21st century skills needed for college and career readiness. We are committed to rolling out our climate change and climate action curriculum to our students and schools from 2022-2024.

Honing these 21st century skills for our youth is the cornerstone of our programming. The more we develop our students’ ability to think critically, problem solve creatively and lead empathetically, the more successful our students will become.
