From time to time, SGAP Leaders partners with other local nonprofits and community outreach organizations and offers opportunities for students to engage in community service projects.
Projects may include assisting a local horse farm with a fundraising activity, serving lunch to the homeless, sorting and packing food products for a local food bank, or reading to pre-schoolers.
If you, your school or community youth group would like to participate in one of our ongoing projects, contact us.
Our GREEN PROJECTS INTERNS often lead their own project teams. Past interns have teamed with our partners with Rotary to launch a monarch butterfly garden at local middle schools. Others have designed, developed and executed Care Cards, Senior Gifts and Park Clean-up projects.
Our COMMUNITY SERVICE INTERNS apply in October for a seven month internship. The application includes a short essay and interviews with our Advisors. Once chosen, interns ages 13-18 participate in two SGAP Leaders’ community service projects, then they create and execute their own project. Execution includes grant writing, social media and messaging, plan creation and team-building.
Students earn 100 SSL (community service hours), present their final projects to the Board of Directors and craft a short reflection essay.
Current Projects:
If you, your school or community youth group would like to participate in one of our ongoing projects, contact us. Please note, participants must be age 13 or older.